About Us

Common Good Foundation began its journey as Catholic Care Foundation. This was established in 1982 by the first Bishop of Hamilton, Bishop Edward Gaines, to do what the Bible tells us to do: to love God and to love our neighbour. We do this by raising funds to distribute to organisations that care for people who cannot care for themselves.

In 2015 we began a journey to strategically strengthen the organisation’s purpose and increase the impact on our community. This has led to the decision in 2018 to update the name of our Foundation to … Common Good Foundation.

We knew it was time to be more relevant, be seen in action, let our vibrancy, independence and originality within the market shine through. We are grounded in our Catholic values and will continue to reach, serve and help to sustain all within the central North Island. No matter our background, we can all work together to help anyone in need. With your support, we have helped so many; but as needs continue to grow, it is time for us to step up and do more.

‘Common Good’ is a key principle of Catholic social teaching and is defined as “the complete development of all the people of the world…no individual is excluded from the common good”. Common good is also a term understood in the wider market as working together to achieve the best result possible for everyone.

Common Good Foundation bridges the gap.

Geographical Region of the Catholic Diocese of Hamilton

About Us

Board Members

John Coulam (Chair)
Betty-Ann Kamp
Julie Hardaker
Brendan Cullen
Harry Mourits
Glenda Stokes
KM Adams
Rosemary Redmore