The Common Good Foundation has been chosen as the Registered Charity nominated by The Waikato Christian Supplies Trust to receive one half of its Trust Fund upon the Termination of the Trust.
The Common Good Foundation is excited to acknowledge the kind gift left by the Waikato Christian Supplies Trust. The Trust, set up some 45 years ago, provided an avenue for Catholic parishioners in the Waikato diocese to purchase Christian books, as well as Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation memorabilia.
The Waikato Christian Supplies Trust was formed by Jean Frances Davey in September 1978. Together with a number of trustees, including Ron Page (first Chair) and John Bennion, funds were raised through donations and loans to set up a Christian Supplies shop in the Waikato Diocese. The venture proved to be extremely successful. After several years the shop was relocated to the ground floor of the Catholic Centre at the Cathedral. Following this period, Valerie Mildon took over the running of the shop over many years. A Christian supplies shop continues to operate from the foyer of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary today.
The Trust passed a resolution in October 2023 to formally cease trading (with all loans repaid), which “culminated in the significant balance in the account being gifted to two registered Charitable Charities: Common Good Foundation and St Vincent De Paul – to further their superb work in the community. “
In December 2023, two representatives of the Foundation met with the final board of the Christian Supplies Trust to show our appreciation for the generous gift left to Common Good Foundation. We assured the out-going Board that the funds will be placed in an interest-bearing account which will continue ‘giving’ to those in need in our community for many years to come.
The December meeting of appreciation with both organisations:
Back row: Robyn Fenneman, Marinota Deacon, Ken Deacon and Jessica Timmins (EO of CGF)
Front row: Alan McAllen (Chair) shaking hands with John Coulam (Chair CGF), and David Hall
The Common Good Foundation is excited to acknowledge the kind gift left by the Waikato Christian Supplies Trust. The Trust, set up some 45 years ago, provided an avenue for Catholic parishioners in the Waikato diocese to purchase Christian books, as well as Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation memorabilia.
The Waikato Christian Supplies Trust was formed by Jean Frances Davey in September 1978. Together with a number of trustees, including Ron Page (first Chair) and John Bennion, funds were raised through donations and loans to set up a Christian Supplies shop in the Waikato Diocese. The venture proved to be extremely successful. After several years the shop was relocated to the ground floor of the Catholic Centre at the Cathedral. Following this period, Valerie Mildon took over the running of the shop over many years. A Christian supplies shop continues to operate from the foyer of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary today.
The Trust passed a resolution in October 2023 to formally cease trading (with all loans repaid), which “culminated in the significant balance in the account being gifted to two registered Charitable Charities: Common Good Foundation and St Vincent De Paul – to further their superb work in the community. “
In December 2023, two representatives of the Foundation met with the final board of the Christian Supplies Trust to show our appreciation for the generous gift left to Common Good Foundation. We assured the out-going Board that the funds will be placed in an interest-bearing account which will continue ‘giving’ to those in need in our community for many years to come.
The December meeting of appreciation with both organisations:
Back row: Robyn Fenneman, Marinota Deacon, Ken Deacon and Jessica Timmins (EO of CGF)
Front row: Alan McAllen (Chair) shaking hands with John Coulam (Chair CGF), and David Hall