Parish of Tongariro 2022

The Parish of Tongariro has been awesome in the way they used the grant funding in 2022 to support their community.

This was done in the following ways:

Parish of Tongariro 2022
* Support of the Tuesday Community Lunch which has now been running successfully for 5 years, catering to those in need of a hot 3 course meal.

* Four times a year the parish holds a Helping Hands outreach where the Parish members provide the ingredients for meals (for 2 persons or 2 litre containers of soup) which are prepared by the parishioners. Some 300 litres of frozen soup were distributed through the Turangi Foodbank.

Parish of Tongariro 2022
* When contacted the parish provides loads of firewood to those in need, having now struck a good deal with a local provider. Over 10 loads were distributed in 2022.

Parish of Tongariro 2022
* No child should go to school hungry. When children come to school without having had breakfast or arrive with no lunch, the Parish provides ingredients to St Patrick's school's initiative to provide food for those without.

* The group also supports the Interchurch Welfare Society OP shop which contributes to worthy causes that helps make a difference in the Taupō community.

THANK YOU for the wonderful outreach to your local community.

Parish of Tongariro 2022