Common Good Foundation: Privacy Policy

By visiting our site and making Donations to the Foundation, you engage in our “Service” and agree to be bound by the following Privacy Policy.

All donations will be charged in NZD

If for any reason, you require a refund of your donation, please email [email protected] with your request and contact details.

Online Payments:
Online payments are processed through the secure DPS Payment Express System. Any details stored for recurring payments are done so on the DPS system. No credit card information is stored by us and we are PCI compliant. Payment Security is managed through DPS for mutual security. Encryption protection is managed with an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate, industry standard 128bit encryption software.

Credit/Debit Card Security:
We use the Payment Express System to handle all of our card payments. All your card information is encrypted through the SSL protocol, meaning that your details are encrypted safely by Payment Express as they are transmitted through the internet.

Information Security:
Common Good Foundation is committed to ensuring the privacy of your personal information and complying with the Privacy Act 1993. Your personal information is stored in secure databases that are managed by us. We will never rent, sell, or exchange your information, unless we reasonably believe that we are required to do so by law. We will only pass on your information to other organisations where we intend to communicate with you through third parties contracted to supply services to Common Good Foundation (e.g. mailing houses).